COVID-19 Didn't Control THIS


Today is August 7, 2020. It is officially Day 220 of 2020.  😕

Yep! Let that sink in. 

As of today, we are 60% of the way through the year 2020. For most people, they are already ready for 2021 to get here. For others, they are still trying to figure out how to make the most of this year. And for others, this is the year from the enemy and they want to stay far, far away. Yet there is still another 40% of the year to make it through. And I believe I will be one of the people to make it through. I AM HERE TO SURVIVE 💪🏽. 

2020 came in like a Miley Cyrus wrecking ball and knocked the year all out of wrack. We could not control the virus in month one (March), nor month two, or month three. We could not control who lives or dies. We could not control the economy. We could not control unjust murders. #BreonnaTaylor. 

But there were several things WITHIN our sphere (or bubble) of control. I do not know what they were for you, but here are a few things I DID NOT let COVID-19 control…

A snapshot of the books I’ve read in 2020

A snapshot of the books I’ve read in 2020

  1. My Reading Goals: I have read 12 books over the past 7 months.

  2. My Learning Goals: 

    • Replaced the front door regulator of my 2010 Nissan Altima using this link

    • Enrolled in edX’s free Stanford University course titled, American Prophet: The Inner Life and Global Vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    • Practiced minimizing waste through composting in my backyard

    • Cooked three new dishes

  3. My Family & Friends Goals:

  • My closest friends and I started a weekly Happy Hour social online

  • I created a new tradition titled, Fancy Friday. I either create a fancy meal or order out from a small business (no fast food). Pick a new movie to watch. And enjoy a nice relaxing evening from the week. Invited a friend or two to join in on the fun virtual!

  • Held and participated in a few immediate family group virtual calls. Connected with several new and older relatives throughout the US.

  • Connected more with my niece and nephew through video calls 

2020 has taken quite a bit away, but I did not let it rob me from having a life of quality. I thank God for the quality of life established and revived since March.

Get away from my life COVID-19! 👩🏽

Get away from my life COVID-19! 👩🏽